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Watch Out for Acids and Sugars - Protecting Your Tooth Enamel

By Dr. Michael Plonski DDS

Published Wed May 22 2024

As a dentist, one of the most frequent pieces of advice I give patients is to limit their intake of sugary and acidic foods and beverages. That's because acids and sugars are two of the biggest threats to the health of your tooth enamel.

What is Tooth Enamel? Enamel is the thin, protective outer layer of your teeth. It's the hardest substance in the human body, putting up a fight against the foods and bacteria that can cause tooth decay and cavities.

Despite being so strong, enamel has a big weakness - it is vulnerable to erosion from acidic substances. The same goes for the sticky sugars and starches found in many of our favorite snacks and drinks.

Acids that Harm Enamel

There are many acidic foods and drinks that can wear away precious tooth enamel over time through a process called demineralization. Some of the biggest culprits include:

  • Sodas, sports drinks, and fruit juices
  • Citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, limes and grapefruits
  • Tomatoes and foods containing vinegar
  • Wine (both red and white)
  • Certain herbal teas

The Effect of Sugars/Starches

While not acidic themselves, sugary and starchy foods are easily converted into enamel-eroding acids by the bacteria in your mouth. Plaque bacteria use sugar and starches as food sources, producing acidic byproducts that attack enamel.

This is why limiting sweets, dried fruits, crackers, chips, breads, and other sugary or starchy snacks is so important for preventing cavities and enamel erosion.

Tips for Protecting Tooth Enamel

So what can you do to prevent enamel erosion and keep your teeth strong and healthy? Here are some tips:

  • - Limit soda, juice, and acidic drink intake, opting for plain water instead
  • - Use a straw when drinking acidic beverages to minimize contact with teeth
  • - Rinse your mouth with water after consuming acidic or sugary foods/drinks
  • - Wait 30 mins before brushing after acidic foods (enamel is softened at first)
  • - Chew sugar-free gum to stimulate saliva production, which remineralizes enamel

By being smart about what you consume and taking preventive steps, you can avoid enamel erosion and the cavities, sensitivity and discoloration that come with it. Your teeth will thank you!

For more information or to schedule a consultation, visit our contact page or call us at (817) 886-8780

Disclaimer: This blog post is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Please consult with a qualified dental professional for personalized guidance.

Dr. Michael Plonski | Mr. Dentist Hurst

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